Protection of Personal Data

Below are the fundamental details regarding the protection of personal data transferred to ZEKİ GLOBAL MODA VE MAĞAZACILIK ANONİM ŞİRKETİ (“ZEKİ”). ZEKİ presents the following explanations to its customers and third parties using our website and/or mobile applications in order to fulfill its obligation to inform as per Article 10 of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“KVKK”). ZEKİ reserves the right to update this Personal Data Protection Statement at any time within the framework of changes that may occur in the applicable legislation.

1) What is the legal basis for ZEKİ collecting personal data?

There are various regulations regarding the use of our customers' personal data in different laws. Primarily, the principles of personal data protection are determined by the KVKK. Additionally, the Law on the Regulation of Electronic Commerce No. 6563 contains provisions regarding the protection of personal data. Furthermore, certain criminal sanctions are prescribed under the Turkish Penal Code No. 5237 for the protection of personal data in certain cases.  

On the other hand, data collection and usage are necessary to fulfill our obligations arising from the Consumer Protection Law No. 6502 and the Regulation on Distance Contracts.

2) What methods does ZEKİ use to collect personal data?  

The data provided by our customers who transact on the website or mobile applications are processed by ZEKİ in accordance with the consent of our customers and the provisions of the legislation.  

The website, owned by ZEKİ, uses cookies. A cookie is a file consisting mainly of letters and numbers that allows the device being used to be identified by being stored in the internet browser or hard drive of the device being used.  

In order to provide better service to its visitors and within the framework of its legal obligation, will collect, process, share with third parties, and securely store your browsing information for the purposes and scope defined in this Personal Data Protection Statement, without being used outside these purposes. cookies store information collected through log files, empty gif files, and/or third-party sources to create a summary of your preferences. can monitor your browsing information and/or usage history on the website to offer special promotions, present marketing offers, improve the content of the website or mobile application according to your preferences, and/or determine your preferences. may match the information collected from you on the site at different times or through different methods such as online and offline information and use this information together with information obtained from other sources, such as third parties.  

The mobile application uses session cookies and permanent cookies. The session ID cookie expires when you close your browser. A permanent cookie remains on your hard drive for a long period of time. By following the instructions provided in your internet browser's "help" file or by visiting “” or “,” you can remove permanent cookies and reject both session cookies and permanent cookies. If you reject permanent cookies or session cookies, you can continue to use the website, but you may not be able to access all functions of the website or mobile application, or your access may be limited.

3) How are cookies used on the website?  

The website, owned by ZEKİ, uses cookies. A cookie is a file consisting mainly of letters and numbers that allows the device being used to be identified by being stored in the internet browser or hard drive of the device being used. cookies store information collected through log files, empty gif files, and/or third-party sources to create a summary of your preferences.  

We use two types of cookies across our sites: session cookies and persistent cookies. Session cookies are temporary cookies that are only valid until you close your browser. Persistent cookies remain on your hard drive until you delete them or until they expire (how long the cookie remains on your device will depend on the "lifetime" of the cookie). cookies are used to remember your preferences and personalize your website/mobile application usage. This usage includes cookies that save your password and keep your website/mobile application session open, thus saving you the hassle of entering your password multiple times during each visit, and cookies that remember and recognize you on your subsequent visits to the website/mobile application. uses cookies to determine how you use the website/mobile application, including tracking your activities such as where you connect from, which content you view on the website/mobile application, and the duration of your visit. cookies may also be used to activate "advertising technology" to present you with ads that might be of interest when you visit search engines, websites, or mobile applications where the website advertises. Advertising technology uses information related to your previous visits to the website/mobile application and the websites/mobile applications on which the website advertises in order to present you with special ads. To offer these ads, a unique third-party cookie may be placed on your browser so that the website can recognize you. ZEKİ also uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Google, Inc., to analyze how users use the website, mobile application, and/or mobile site with statistical information/reports. For more information about Google Analytics (including opt-out options), you can visit:  

In the mobile application, instead of cookies, the relevant application's SDK (Software Development Kit) is used.  

You can use the following methods to allow or reject cookies:

- Google Chrome: You can manage cookies by clicking the "lock" icon in the address bar of your browser and selecting the "Cookies" tab.

- Internet Explorer: You can manage cookies by clicking the "Tools" section in the upper-right corner of your browser and selecting the "Security" tab and then choosing "Allow" or "Do not allow" cookies.

- Mozilla Firefox: You can manage cookies by clicking the "Open menu" tab in the upper-right corner of your browser and selecting "Options," then using the "Privacy & Security" button.

- Opera: You can manage cookies by selecting "Advanced" in the "Preferences" section of your browser and then selecting "Cookies."

- Safari: You can manage all your cookie settings by selecting the "Safari" tab in the "Settings" section of your phone and then selecting "Privacy & Security."

In addition to the options above, you can visit,, or use the "Privacy Badger" application ( to manage cookies. If you reject permanent cookies or session cookies, you can continue to use the website, mobile application, and mobile site, but you may not be able to access all functions or your access may be limited.

4) For what purposes does ZEKİ use personal data?  

ZEKİ may record, store, update, disclose, transfer, classify, and process your personal data within the limits permitted by law and to the extent necessary.  

Your personal data is used for the following purposes:

- To confirm the identity of the shopper/person who made the transaction through the website/mobile applications.

- To record the address and other necessary information for communication.

- To contact our customers regarding the terms, current status, and updates of the contracts we have concluded under the Distance Sales Agreement and the Consumer Protection Law and to provide necessary information.

- To organize all records and documents that will serve as the basis for processing in electronic (internet/mobile, etc.) or paper format.

- To fulfill our obligations arising from the contracts we have concluded under the Distance Sales Agreement and the relevant provisions of the Consumer Protection Law.

- To provide information to public officials upon request and as required by law on matters related to public safety.

- To provide a better shopping experience for our customers, to inform our customers about products that may be of interest to them by considering their interests, and to convey campaigns.

- To increase customer satisfaction, to recognize our customers who shop on the website and/or mobile applications, to use them in customer analysis, to use them in various marketing and advertising activities, and to conduct surveys in electronic and/or physical environments through contracted institutions.

- To offer recommendations to our customers through our contracted institutions and solution partners, to inform our customers about our services.

- To evaluate customer complaints and suggestions regarding our services.

- To fulfill our legal obligations and to use our rights arising from the current legislation.

5) How does ZEKİ protect your personal data?  

Personal data shared with ZEKİ is under the supervision and control of ZEKİ. ZEKİ has assumed the responsibility as a data controller to establish and implement the necessary organization and technical measures to protect the confidentiality and integrity of the information in accordance with the relevant provisions of the applicable legislation. We would like to inform you that, as part of our obligation in this regard, we conduct periodic penetration tests in accordance with international and national technical standards related to data confidentiality and that we continuously update our data processing policies accordingly.

6) Does ZEKİ share your personal data?  

The sharing of personal data belonging to our customers with third parties takes place within the framework of the customers' consent, and as a rule, personal data is not transferred to third parties without the customer's consent.  

However, personal data is shared with courts and other public institutions due to our legal obligations and within these limits. Additionally, personal data may be transferred to contracted third parties to provide the services we have committed to and to carry out quality control of the provided services.  

During the transfer of data to third parties, necessary technical and legal measures are taken to prevent violations of rights. However