• You can return the product you purchased within 14 days from the day you receive it from the cargo, under the following conditions. You will not pay any "shipping fee" for the products you send back within this scope.

  • For your return process, make sure the hygiene band and label of the product are intact. Products without labels will not be accepted for return.

  • You can create a "easy return" request on the site to obtain your return code.

  • After receiving your product, the packaging, accessories, and invoice (*) will be checked. If your return does not meet the return conditions, the relevant product will be sent back to your address.

  • When your return reaches us, it will be checked and processed every Friday. Your return will be automatically made according to your payment method. The refund will be made in the same way as the payment method used, whether it is "Credit Card single payment" or "Credit Card installment". Refunds for installment payments cannot be made in a single transaction.

  • A notification message will be sent to your registered email when the product refund process is completed.

  • The reflection of your payment in your account may vary according to the processing times of the banks.


The size exchange of the purchased product is done for the same product. For a size exchange of a different product, you must first return the product you purchased.

  • Check if the product you want to exchange for size is in stock.

  • Indicate the size you want to exchange for on the invoice, and send it with our ARAMEX company code with payment at delivery.

  • Your size exchange will be processed and your package will be sent back to you on the day we receive your package.

  • Click here for easy returns